Monday, July 27, 2015

Download Hookup Culture Thesis Today!

I'm extremely excited to announce that my thesis, "Can She Really 'Play That Game, Too'? A Narrative Exploration of Women's Experiences with Hookup Culture at Middlebury College" is now available to download!

For those I don't know: Hi! My name is Leah Fessler and I recently graduated Middlebury College in Spring 2015. At Midd I was an English and American Literatures major, and completed the creative writing track. For my senior thesis, a non-fiction creative writing project, I decided to investigate romantic and sexual culture at Middlebury College. After interviewing almost 100 students, and surveying over 300, I wrote "Can She Really 'Play That Game, Too?", which documents the realities of hookup culture at Middlebury from a female perspective. It's explicit, entertaining, and 100% true.
While this thesis describes Middlebury, I sincerely believe it represents romantic and sexual cultures at many campuses nationwide, and I encourage anyone interested in modern love and romance to check it out. I look forward to hearing what you think, and sincerely appreciate your support!

To download, click "Buy Now" on the widget above. The price is $1.99 (even cheaper than a coffee!). Thank you so much!